The first doctor appointment for Evie went so well. She was SUPER healthy. She gained her birth weight back and the doctor said her heart and lungs were in excellent condition. But Mama's heart broke when she kept crying as the doctor checked her. But there was a surprise as she surprised the nurse by urinating all over the weighing scale! Good girl!! We are so proud of our daughter and we are thankful that God is giving her strength each new morning. "His mercies are new every morning"......and feeding her at 2 and 4 and 6 in the morning BELIEVE me.... HIS mercies ARE new every morning as I am half asleep feeding her, but praising God for the most wonderful gift!
Girl, Don't hate me. I promise I am coming over to see that angel. My weekend wascrazy. No excuses though!! The first chance I get I will be over there. It is killing me that I have not seen her yet. I do have the gift here. I will give it to Terrance. Then you can finally use it. LOVE YA!!
She is just so cute! :) Yay for everything checking out well at the doctor's office.
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