Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Random pics (outside, soccer game, kitchen, ice cream)

Teryn and Tricia playing with her passy

Tricia bouncing on the trampoline with the big girls

Cheerleader Teryn

Teryn loves copying her big sister.  Teryn is so fun! She is doing great in her class. She is 2 and holds her own with the 3 years olds.  Evie taught her how to spell her name.  You will see that video soon enough.

Cheerleader Evie

Evie cheers at T's high school football games with the big girls! She practices at home ALL the time!

Talk to us Tricia

Tricia is 6 months.  She has started eating cheerios, saltines, and of course still loving the baby food and milk.  She has been sitting up for 2 weeks now. Just this week started crawling BACKWARDS!  She loves the girls and all the attention they give her!

Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner

Evie's team raced from one side of the field to the next running. Then raced dribbling the ball from one side of the field to the next.  She was the winner! So the coach asked her to say, "Winner Winner Chicken Dinner" and then she did a little dance.  Couldnt' catch it on tape but had her re-innact what she said!


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