Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Teryn Lois Freeman 3

Our little Teryn, Happy Birthday! We love you and are so proud of you!  Your bright contagious smile lifts our spirits daily.  Your silly laugh cannot help but make us laugh along with you.  Your eyes never leave sight of your big sister Evie, she is continually setting a good example for you to follow.  As you are setting a good example, for your baby sister, Tricia.  Thank you for your "i wov you mama's" and your full speed running hugs to your daddy when he comes home from work.  Thank you for reminding us of what church is about, we'd ask"Teryn what did you learn in church and you'd reply "Jesus..God" no matter if you had learned about Noah or Lazarus...your answer was always " Jesus.God"  WE love you so much! Love, Mama and Daddy

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