Hey Everybody!
This is Terrance and Rachel's blog page.
I got the big idea from being so hooked to Trish and John Pfaender's blog site.
How amazing.
Well in a gist....T and I are so blessed. God has given us such a wonderful marriage so far for our 8 months and odd days relationship. We are continually couting on Him to do lots in our lives. T is coaching a 13 and under baseball travel team called the Stars, while opening up a softball indoor facility here in Jax, Fl, also while being a very intelligent stressful Athletic Director at a Christian School on the westside of town called Eagles View Academy. Those of you who went to SCA it is almost a STRAIGHT SISTA of SCA.....I love going there because it reminds me of our high school.
Well, me on the other hand, I'm busy being a third grade teacher and coaching basketball and softball at a nearby high school. Wow! Amazing the change from 8 year olds to some 18 year olds! YIKES! But God is using me and I hope to make a difference in some of these girls lives.
Other than that we are connected strong at our community church Celebration. AMAZING that is all I can say about it!. T and I are excited to be off for spring break together....LOVE having the same profession and same holidays....it's good to just sit and hang with him.
Hope all is well...keep us in your prayers. Our dog Brownie (Chocolate lab) says HELLO too!
Love ya'll,
RAch and T and Brownie