Thursday, February 28, 2008

Doesn't she make your heart melt?

Evie is smiling away! This is a smile after having to wake up every 2 hours for feeding. I think I'll keep waking her up if she gives me that BEAUTIFUL smile each time.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

hmm basketball or softball?? or BOTH??

No matter what she chooses, T and I don't mind as long as it is not cheerleading!!! :) hehe

Friday, February 22, 2008


Evie has been sleeping in her crib for three hours at a time at night now. She stays awake a bit more during the day. She seems heavier in weight, but we won't know till march 10. She is still the center and joy of our hearts. T and I are sooooo blessed to have such a BEAUTIFUL, HEALTHY little girl.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Daddy's Team

Daddy would have been upset if this FSU pic wasn't posted. Go NOLES! Also we think Evie's fav color is going to be green b/c it look SO good on her!

Cousin T'yne and Cousin J Visit from SC

Evie's cousins came down from SC on their day off from school. Thank goodness from Presidents Day! Jordy and T'yne had fun with Evie. Thanks guys for coming down to see Evie.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Monday, February 11, 2008

Evie loves to pose

Our little Evie will be one month on tomorrow. She loves to keep her little hands near her precious face. See how she just props her head on her own hands. What a doll baby!
Evie is sleeping better thru the nights (Praise the Lord) and she is constantly entertaining us during the day.
She is fun to stare at all day. She can hold her head up with her strong neck muscles, make smiles, make smirks, pull her own hair, and she has rolled over twice from belly to back. She is definitely MISS SUPER STRONG BABY!
Lookin forward to see how she'll surprise us tomorrow!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Evie wears the pants in our Fam

Evie posing and showing off her new as in Albany we say "Britches"!!
She is 3 weeks and 2 days old and slept in her crib for her first time last night! YEAHHH!!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Center of Attention

Evie right before feeding. Thanks to the ladies at school for the sweet bib! Evie is de de definitely the center of everyone's attention.